Monday, April 27, 2015

Has Justice Ginsburg has already made up her mind on gay marriage? 


The Supreme Court receives about 5,000 requests for hearings each year of these the Court will agree to hear fewer than 150. So when it comes to important cases right now in America gay marriage is one of the cases that could really transform America. The law in Indiana shows how important same sex marriage is. The fact that Justice Ginsburg is talking about it in the way she is for me is also surprising. I always felt that the Supreme Court is solely there to help a lower court with the final decision when one is not agreed upon. This doesn’t mean that the public will always agree with what is right but I have been looking closely into this because I feel everyone should be treated equally when it comes to all people and we have heard politicians talk about the gay community not being a very protected community or in some circles they are not welcomed but now I feel like the time is now to either show we have solidarity with the gay community or as politicians tell them how you really feel. Is it right to make a ruling or should we just allow this issue to continue to come up when we know we can help the situation?

 Vincent Marshall

Goodwin, L. (2015, April 27). As arguments near, Justice Ginsburg has already made up her mind on gay marriage. Retrieved April 27, 2015, from


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