Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Final Blog Entry- Ben Olson

After taking this class I feel like I have grown in my profession and as a person.  I have learned that I need to look at an issue from all perspectives.  It is important not to jump to a conclusion before doing so.  I have learned that every organization has a Code of Ethics, but it is also important for myself to have my own personal Code of Ethics. 

The two topics that I will take out of this class are the ones on Negative Recruiting and Oversigning.  These are both ethical issues that I face every year in the world of collegiate football.  Both are unethical and they happen too often.  Negative Recruiting is something that I don’t see going away.  Every program is trying to out-due the other programs who they are recruiting against.  I believe that each coach needs to look at him or herself, and decide if Negative Recruiting is ethical or unethical based on their own personal Code of Ethics.  Sometimes college coaches just look at a player as a number and not as a human being when it comes to oversigning.  Whenever a program oversigns, a player on the current roster will be affected in the end.

My interview with Coach Monroe was a great experience and was well worth the half hour of sitting down with him.  It made me open my eyes on some issues that full-time college coaches face when dealing with players.  I thought it was interesting that while doing the interview I realized that none of the coaches use the AFCA Code of Ethics and all use common sense and experience when deciding how to handle an issue.

Ben Olson

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