Saturday, May 2, 2015

Guidelines for Final Blog Entry and Comments - posted by Dr. Spencer

HMSL 6340 – Critically Evaluating Ethical Issues in HMSLS

Guidelines for posting a Final Blog Entry and Comments are the same as those that were in effect for writing previous entries (i.e., for Blog entries, length should be at least 250 words; entries will be graded on the basis of content, grammar, spelling, and flow. The maximum points you can receive will be 10 pts. for an entry and 5 pts. for comments (you can either do one longer comment in response to someone’s blog entry or you can do multiple shorter comments). Thus, you can receive a maximum of 15 points for this week’s entries. Below is an outline of what you might include in your Final Blog entry and comments. You do not need to address every point.

Final Blog Entry

1.      What did you find useful and/or most interesting to read about and/or discuss in class? How did the readings and/or discussions (in-class or online) make you think differently about an issue? What did you learn specifically about ethical values, Codes of ethics, and/or ethical decision-making in or through sports?

2.      Which of the topic(s) presented in Blog entries did you find especially interesting? What did you learn about ethical values and/or decision-making as a result of reading about a given topic that someone presented in a blog entry?

3.      What will you take with you from this class (readings and/or discussions) that you will be able to use in your future career(s)? How did interviewing a professional in your field help you to understand ethical dilemmas you might face and how to address them?

4.      Since you may also be working with people who need to develop guidelines for ethical decision-making, what are some of the ways that you might instill ethical values in those with whom you work? What are specific ways that you (or someone in your profession) could work to convey ethical values through sport?

5.      Is there anything else that you would like to add about an ethical issue that we discussed (or that you would like to have discussed more) in class or online? Perhaps your thoughts have evolved and you have gained new insights in thinking further about this issue.


·         In responding to Final blog entries, you may want to agree or disagree with what someone wrote. Try to develop additional ideas about how you were influenced by a reading and/or discussion that was raised in a person’s final blog entry.

Final Blog Entries should be posted no later than 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 5.

Comments should be posted no later than 6:00 p.m. Thursday, May 7.

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