Monday, May 4, 2015

Final Blog

This class was very insightful, enjoyable, and pertinent to our careers; I believe most of my peers would agree with me.  No matter what field we are in, we all will be faced with ethical dilemmas.  I really appreciate that Dr. Spencer geared our Code of Ethics & Interview assignment towards our individual prospective career field.  Personally, I tend to put an extra effort into assignments that directly relate to my realm.  I enjoyed the interview assignment the most.

            In my opinion, one of the best ways to learn about a job/career is to converse with someone who has experience in the desired profession.  I want to go into sport event management; I was able to gain insight on potential ethical dilemmas in this line of work.  Sports are unique because it’s unpredictable; that’s why I love them.  You need a strong code of ethics, personal or organizational, to serve as a foundation for your decision making.  Rather it’s deciding on whether or not to allow an on field gay marriage proposal or stripping Little League kids of their championship title, one must be prepared to make unexpected ethical decisions.

            I enjoyed the format of the class.  I like to hear people’s opinions on relative topics.  Whether I agree or not, I enjoy a healthy discussion.  As a class, we had good class and blog discussions.  The cycling of current events into class discussion really added to the enjoyment and flow of the class.  One lesson I’ll take away is, you’re not always going to make the right decision; we are all human.  It’s incumbent upon us to learn from our and others’ mistakes.  Educating ourselves about situations, decisions, ethics, etc. will enable us to better our decision making. There is something to be learned from every situation in every sport field.

-David Sims

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